Living Modern Lives With

The World’s Most Ancient Dogs

The New Guinea Singing Dog Club of America is dedicated to educating people about the bond between New Guinea Singing Dogs and people.

Our owner-support focused education is about responsible dog ownership, positive training, ethical breeding practices, and community opportunities. We also offer support for rescues.

For the general public, we educate on the ancient history of these dogs, while not forgetting that in modern times, they are family pets.

Hear their Song

Listen to the complex vocalizations of the world’s rarest dog

Keep Them Home

Proposed USDA regulations threaten singing dogs’ lives as family members and companion animals

Areas of Focus

Owner Support

Owning any ancient or primitive dog can be challenging. We are NGSD owners for NGSD owners with decades of knowledge. We want all Singer owners to be successful and we are here to help you every step of the way.


We are a community of owners, behavior experts, veterinarians, and scientists. Our members have access to resources to help them in every aspect of Singer ownership with new content and learning opportunities added frequently.

Breeding and Rescue

We support the next generation of NGSDs just as strongly as we support the present. View our postings for currently available dogs in need of homes, as well as planned breedings, and breeder/rescue resources.